Industry 4.0: Importance, challenges and benefits for production

Industry 4.0 stands for the fourth industrial revolution, which is characterized by the digital transformation and automation of production. The aim is to increase efficiency, flexibility and networking in production. Companies benefit from higher productivity, improved processes and new business models, but are also faced with challenges such as high investment costs, complex implementations and data protection issues. The areas of production, logistics, IT and personnel planning, which have to adapt to the new technologies, are particularly affected.

GREIF-VELOX enables companies to switch to Industry 4.0 through retrofitting measures and the integration of intelligent systems into industrial filling processes. In concrete terms, this means that GREIF-VELOX integrates Industry 4.0 approaches to increase efficiency and quality into production processes. For this purpose, system components are controlled as cyber-physical systems via touch panels or mobile devices. The modular data transmission is designed to suit the customer and includes process and quality parameters as well as error detection. Comprehensive sensor monitoring provides a transparent representation of the system status and is used for quality control. Remote services enable remote access for process optimization and parameter adjustment. Sensor-based performance optimization is used for optimal adaptation to volatile conditions.

What is Industry 4.0?

Industry 4.0 refers to the fourth industrial revolution, which is characterized by the integration of modern information technology into production. Industry 4.0 involves the networking of machines and systems to create an intelligent production facility in which processes are controlled autonomously and in real time. The aim is to increase the efficiency, flexibility and individualization of production. The flexibility resulting from Industry 4.0 leads to an increase in competitiveness.

From a historical perspective, the fourth industrial revolution follows mechanization (Industry 1.0), the introduction of mass production and electricity (Industry 2.0) and automation through electronics and IT (Industry 3.0). Industry 4.0 enables the further development of production methods by combining the strengths of the previous revolutions and enhancing them with modern technologies.

For the process industries, Industry 4.0 means a revolution in production processes. GREIF-VELOX offers its customers individually tailored solutions in terms of degree of automation, networking and system integration as well as self-organization and decentralized information provision in the product through consistent modularization of software and mechanics.

Industry 4.0 approaches that GREIF-VELOX implements in production processes:

  • Cyber-physical system: The individual components of the system communicate as a cyber-physical system that can be controlled via a touch panel or a mobile device.
  • Modular data transfer: Data transmission from ongoing processes including process and quality parameters as well as faults, fault identification, capacity utilization, etc. is implemented on a modular basis according to customer requirements.
  • Integration into the customer network: The system is fully monitored by sensors and the system status is displayed transparently. The sensor data is often also used for quality control and documentation.
  • Remote access via Remote Services: Process optimization, e.g. when setting parameters for a new medium.
  • Sensor-based performance optimization: Optimum adaptation of processes to changing environmental conditions.
This is how GREIF-VELOX solves the challenges of Industry 4.0 in its full-line filling systems.

What are the goals of Industry 4.0?

A central goal of Industry 4.0 is to increase productivity by making production processes more efficient through automation and networked systems. The use of these systems enables production processes to be monitored and optimized in real time and errors to be detected and rectified at an early stage. The result is an improvement in product quality. Industry 4.0 also aims to increase flexibility so that production systems can react quickly and cost-effectively to changing market and customer requirements, including the manufacture of personalized products. The use of advanced technologies to collect and analyze real-time data strengthens the innovative power and market position of companies, resulting in an increase in competitive strength.

Together, these goals help companies to optimize their processes, position themselves better in the market and adapt to dynamic requirements.

Increase productivity (production efficiency)

Increasing productivity is a goal of Industry 4.0, which is achieved through the implementation of smart technologies and connected systems that allow production processes to be monitored and optimized in real time. According to the study “Transforming advanced manufacturing through Industry 4.0” by McKinsey (2022), companies that have implemented Industry 4.0 technologies were able to increase their overall equipment effectiveness by 11%.

GREIF-VELOX systems are equipped with sensors and IoT technologies to collect and analyze data. This data enables predictive maintenance, which reduces downtime, and more precise control of production processes, resulting in higher product quality and less waste of resources. By integrating Industry 4.0 principles, GREIF-VELOX systems can work more efficiently, respond faster to market demands and thus significantly increase overall productivity.

Individualize production (production flexibility)

One goal of Industry 4.0 is to individualize production and thus increase production flexibility. This goal is based on adapting production processes quickly and efficiently to changing customer requirements. This is achieved through the use of cyber-physical systems, the Internet of Things (IoT) and flexible automation technologies, which make it possible to convert production lines without major changeover times or cost changes.

GREIF-VELOX systems are configured so that they can process a wide range of products without the need for extensive manual adjustments.

GREIF-VELOX systems offer the following possibilities through the use of Industry 4.0 technologies:

1. Automatic adaptation to different product requirements: Sensors and actuators allow machines to automatically adjust to different packaging sizes and shapes, reducing the need for manual intervention.

2. Real-time data analysis: The continuous monitoring and analysis of production data makes it possible to react quickly to changes in production conditions or to specific customer requirements, which makes production planning and control more flexible.

3. Modular production systems: The systems can have a modular design so that individual modules can be quickly replaced or reconfigured to support different production processes.

4. Customized production: With the ability to digitally control production data and processes, GREIF-VELOX systems can economically produce customized products in small batch sizes without compromising efficiency.

5. Integration of customer requirements: By connecting to customer systems, production orders can be taken directly from the customer's ordering systems and integrated into the production process in real time.

Increase competitive strength

One aim of Industry 4.0 is to increase competitiveness. According to the study Studie „Smart Working in Industry 4.0: How digital technologies enhance manufacturing workers' activities“ by Borsella et al. (2021), the use of Industry 4.0 technologies increases the adaptability of companies, enabling them to react more quickly to market changes. This leads to improved competitiveness, as companies can respond better to customer requirements and manufacture customized products more efficiently.

Specifically, this goal is achieved through the use of advanced technologies that improve efficiency, quality, flexibility and innovation. By automating and networking production processes, companies can produce faster and more cost-effectively, reducing production costs and increasing margins. Real-time monitoring and control enables early error detection and correction, which increases product quality. The ability to quickly adapt production lines to different customer requirements enables the competitive manufacture of personalized products. Continuous process improvement and the integration of new technologies make companies adaptable.

Thanks to the use of Industry 4.0 technologies, GREIF-VELOX packaging and filling systems are more efficient and flexible. The use of sensors and IoT technologies for predictive maintenance minimizes downtime and increases overall equipment effectiveness. Automation and robotics increase the efficiency and accuracy of production processes, while big data analysis leads to continuous optimization. Flexible production systems enable rapid adaptation to different product requirements, and networking with supplier and customer systems improves delivery reliability.

What are the expected benefits of Industry 4.0?

Industry 4.0 is leading to a comprehensive transformation of the production landscape, helping companies to become more efficient, flexible and competitive while improving quality, conserving resources and optimizing working conditions.

The expected benefits of Industry 4.0 are:

1. Increase in productivity: According to the study "Industry 4.0 technologies: Implementation patterns in manufacturing companies." by Frank et al (2019) the use of Industry 4.0 technologies such as digital twins, intelligent sensors and automated systems leads to a significant increase in productivity.

2. Increasing flexibility: Production systems can be adapted quickly and cost-effectively to changing market and customer requirements, including the ability to manufacture personalized products.

3. Improving product quality: According to the study by Frank et al (2019), the use of real-time monitoring and control, data-driven analyses and intelligent manufacturing systems also significantly improves product quality by detecting and correcting errors at an early stage.

4. Reduction of downtimes: Predictive maintenance allows failures to be detected and prevented at an early stage. This increases the effectiveness of the system.

5. Optimization of resource consumption: Intelligent systems help to optimize the use of energy and materials. This saves costs and reduces the impact on the environment.

6. Increasing competitiveness: By implementing advanced technologies, companies can increase their innovative strength and position themselves better on the market.

7. Better decision-making: Collecting and analyzing real-time data enables more comprehensive insights into production processes, which supports informed decisions and improved overall control.

8. Improvement of working conditions: Automated systems and advanced technologies help to improve safety and ergonomics in the workplace. This promotes the health and satisfaction of employees.

9. Promotion of sustainability: Industry 4.0 technologies contribute to the achievement of sustainability goals through more efficient use of resources and reduced environmental impact.

What are the expected disadvantages of Industry 4.0?

Companies introducing Industry 4.0 technologies must carefully weigh up the potential disadvantages and develop strategies to overcome the challenges and minimize the risks.

The expected disadvantages of Industry 4.0 are:

1. High investment costs: The implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies requires considerable initial investment in new equipment, software, training and infrastructure.

2. Complexity of integration: The integration of new technologies into existing production processes can be complex and time-consuming, especially when older systems need to be modernized.

3. Data security and data protection: Networking and the exchange of large amounts of data increase the risk of cyber attacks and data leaks, which places high demands on IT security.

4. Job losses: Automation and the use of robots could lead to job losses, especially in simple and repetitive activities.

5. Skill requirements: The introduction of new technologies requires a highly skilled workforce, which can lead to a need for extensive training and potentially a skills shortage.

6. Dependence on technology: A heavy reliance on digital systems can make companies vulnerable to technical disruptions and failures that can significantly affect production.

7. Complexity of data analysis: Collecting and analyzing large amounts of data requires advanced analytical tools and skills, which can be a challenge for companies that do not have the necessary resources.

8. Regulatory challenges: Compliance with data protection laws and other regulatory requirements can be complex and costly.

9. Costs for maintenance and updates: Continuous maintenance and regular updates of the systems can cause additional costs and tie up resources.

What challenges do companies face in Industry 4.0?

In Industry 4.0, companies are faced with the task of optimizing their production processes through digital transformation and adapting existing systems to the latest technological standards through retrofitting. This requires the integration of modern technologies in order to increase efficiency and flexibility and fully exploit the benefits of networked industry.

Digital transformation / digitalization of production

In Industry 4.0, companies are faced with the task of digital transformation / digitalization of production, which involves the integration of state-of-the-art technologies such as IoT, artificial intelligence, big data and automation to enable more efficient, flexible and networked production processes.

GREIF-VELOX develops and implements intelligent automation solutions for companies in the process industry that enable the seamless integration of IoT, big data and artificial intelligence. They create networked systems that enable real-time monitoring and control of production processes and use data analysis to optimize operational processes. By developing customer-specific software solutions and digital platforms, GREIF-VELOX helps companies to increase their efficiency, enhance flexibility and develop innovative business models in order to remain competitive in the global market.

Retrofit / Modernization

Industry 4.0 presents companies with the task of adapting existing machines and systems to the latest technological standards through retrofitting and modernization in order to enable improved networking, automation and data analysis.

The retrofit solutions from GREIF-VELOX upgrade the machines, make them more contemporary and are the more cost-effective decision compared to a new purchase. To this end, GREIF-VELOX equips existing machines with the latest technologies by integrating sensors, IoT components and modern control systems. These measures can increase production capacities and make processes more precise and faster. Networking enables real-time data analysis and monitoring, which leads to better process control and early fault detection. Companies benefit from increased flexibility, as modernized machines can be adapted more easily to different production requirements. Energy efficiency is also improved, which both saves costs and protects the environment.

Which areas of the company are particularly affected by Industry 4.0?

The areas of the company that are particularly affected by Industry 4.0 include production, logistics, IT and communication as well as personnel and resource planning. These areas must adapt to the new technologies and digital processes in order to become more efficient, flexible and competitive. For example, production is optimized through the introduction of IoT, automation and intelligent systems, while logistics benefits from real-time monitoring and data-based decision-making. IT and communication are crucial for the networking and security of systems, and personnel planning must adapt dynamically to new requirements.

Production / Manufacturing

Production is particularly affected by Industry 4.0, as it has been fundamentally transformed by automation and the development of smart factories, making it more efficient, flexible and networked. The networking of systems and machines enables continuous communication and data analysis in real time, making production processes more productive and adaptable. The use of sensor-monitored, cyber-physical systems from GREIF-VELOX optimizes production and packaging processes. The process control system uses the recorded data to decide for itself which filling of which substance in which quantity is optimal and transmits the information directly to the system.

Autonomous machines and robots are increasingly taking on complex tasks and working seamlessly with human employees, which significantly increases productivity. In future, the data from the filling and packaging process will be clearly displayed on a dashboard, which will give plant operators an overview of the plant's performance at any time, regardless of their location, via a secure VPN connection and enable them to intervene in the production process. Artificial intelligence and big data play a crucial role by enabling precise predictions and optimizations. The integration of IoT technologies allows the entire production chain to be monitored and controlled, leading to increased transparency and better decisions. Overall, this results in a smarter, more efficient and more competitive manufacturing environment.


Logistics is particularly affected by Industry 4.0, as digital technologies and automation enable a comprehensive transformation. 6R logistics focuses on the principle of the right quantity, the right object, in the right place, at the right time, in the right quality and at the right cost. It is optimized by intelligent systems such as connected sensors, IoT technologies, artificial intelligence and big data, which enable precise real-time monitoring, control and data-based analysis. This leads to more efficient, flexible and transparent logistics that meet the requirements of modern industry.

Personnel and resource planning

Personnel and resource planning is particularly affected in Industry 4.0, as digital technologies and automation enable more precise and flexible planning. By using artificial intelligence, big data and IoT, companies can analyze and predict the need for personnel and resources in real time, leading to more efficient use and distribution. Automated systems facilitate the planning and coordination of complex tasks, increasing productivity and reducing costs. This enables dynamic adaptation to changing production requirements and market conditions.

IT and communication

The IT and communication sector is particularly affected by Industry 4.0, as digital networking and the exchange of large amounts of data are key elements. Modern IT infrastructures and communication systems must process large amounts of data in real time and ensure secure connections between machines, sensors and people. This requires robust cybersecurity measures and advanced data analysis capabilities to optimize the flow of information and enable informed decisions. The IT department thus becomes the backbone of digital transformation, supporting automation and enabling efficient, flexible and connected production.

Examples from the industry for digital transformation

GREIF-VELOX relies on innovative digital strategies to optimize its processes and services. The following five practical examples show how GREIF-VELOX is driving digital transformation with automated packaging systems, networked machines and IoT, digital twins, intelligent data evaluation and analysis as well as customer-oriented digital solutions.

Automated packaging systems

The automated packaging systems from GREIF-VELOX are highly sophisticated machines that have been specially developed for the precise and efficient packaging of products. These systems integrate state-of-the-art sensors, control technology and software to optimize the packaging process. They make it possible to perform various packaging steps such as filling, sealing and palletizing in one continuous process. Sensors record real-time data and monitor the entire packaging process to ensure consistently high quality and accuracy. The control software analyzes the data and dynamically adjusts the process to achieve maximum efficiency.

The automated packaging systems from GREIF-VELOX offer the following advantages:

1. Increased efficiency and productivity: Automation speeds up the packaging process, resulting in a higher production rate.

2. Consistent quality: Precise control and monitoring guarantee consistently high packaging quality.

3. Reduced downtime: Real-time monitoring and predictive maintenance help to identify and rectify potential problems at an early stage.

4. Cost savings: Automation reduces the need for manual labor and lowers operating costs.

5. Flexibility: The systems can be easily adapted to different product sizes and types, which enables a high degree of flexibility in production.

GREIF-VELOX automated packaging systems are used in industries such as chemicals, food, pharmaceuticals and construction. They are particularly useful for companies that have to package large quantities of products and require maximum precision and efficiency. Examples include the packaging of powders, granulates, liquids and pasty products.

Networked machines and IoT

GREIF-VELOX's connected machines and IoT solutions integrate modern communication technologies to enable seamless connection and interaction between different machines and systems. Connected machines from GREIF-VELOX are equipped with sensors and IoT devices that collect data in real time and transmit it to central control systems. These systems analyze the data, monitor the condition of the machines and automatically adjust production processes to ensure optimal performance. IoT platforms also enable remote monitoring and control of the machines, which increases flexibility and responsiveness.

Networked machines and IoT offer the following advantages:

1. Real-time monitoring: Continuous monitoring of machine performance and status enables immediate reactions to deviations and faults.

2. Predictive maintenance: By analyzing sensor data, potential failures can be detected at an early stage and preventive maintenance measures can be initiated, which reduces downtime.

3. Optimized production: Automatic adjustments based on real-time data improve the efficiency and quality of production.

4. Cost savings: Reduced downtime and optimized maintenance schedules lower operating costs.

5. Increased transparency: Real-time data analysis provides comprehensive insights into production processes, which facilitates decision-making and process improvements.

GREIF-VELOX's connected machines and IoT solutions are particularly beneficial in production environments that require high precision and reliability, such as the monitoring of packaging processes, the control of filling and sealing machines and the management of stock levels and logistics processes.

Digital twins

GREIF-VELOX's digital twins are virtual replicas of physical machines and systems that collect and analyze data from their physical counterparts in real time. These digital models enable detailed monitoring and optimization of production processes by simulating and predicting the behavior and performance of the real machines. GREIF-VELOX digital twins work by integrating sensors and IoT technologies. They simulate different scenarios and operating conditions to evaluate the impact on performance and identify optimization potential.

1. Optimization of performance: By simulating operating conditions, the best settings and operating parameters can be identified and implemented.

2. Reduced downtime: Digital twins enable predictive maintenance by identifying potential problems at an early stage and planning maintenance measures.

3. Cost savings: More efficient operational management and predictive maintenance lead to a reduction in operating costs.

4. Improved product development: New machines and processes can be tested and optimized virtually before they are physically implemented.

5. Increased flexibility: Adjustments and improvements can be made quickly and without interrupting production, as they are first tested in the digital twin.

GREIF-VELOX digital twins are used in the chemical, food, pharmaceutical and construction industries to monitor the performance of filling and capping machines, optimize maintenance intervals and increase overall equipment effectiveness (OEE).

Intelligent data evaluation and analysis

GREIF-VELOX's intelligent data evaluation and analysis uses advanced analysis techniques and machine learning to process large volumes of production data and gain valuable insights. This data is analyzed using algorithms and machine learning to detect patterns and anomalies. The analysis includes both historical and real-time data to provide accurate predictions and recommendations for process optimization. The results of the analysis are made available via intuitive dashboards and reports that enable easy interpretation and implementation.

1. Improved decision-making: By providing detailed, data-driven insights, informed decisions can be made.

2. Process optimization: The identification of bottlenecks and inefficient processes enables targeted improvements.

3. Fault detection and prediction: Early detection of deviations and potential faults reduces downtime and production losses.

4. Cost reduction: More efficient processes and reduced downtime lead to lower operating costs.

5. Quality improvement: Continuous monitoring and adjustment of production parameters improve the quality of the end products.

GREIF-VELOX's intelligent data evaluation and analysis is used in the chemical, food, pharmaceutical and construction industries to monitor the performance of packaging machines, increase the efficiency of production lines and ensure the quality of products. The analysis of filling and sealing processes is designed to help improve dosing accuracy and optimize material consumption.

Customer-oriented digital solutions

GREIF-VELOX's customer-centric digital solutions are innovative platforms and tools designed to improve the entire ordering and service process for customers. The digital solutions include user-friendly online platforms that allow customers to place orders, track the status of their orders in real time and make adjustments. These platforms also provide comprehensive product information and technical support. In addition, customer data is analyzed to provide personalized offers and recommendations. Integrated communication channels enable direct contact with customer service for fast and efficient support.

The use of customer-oriented digital solutions has the following advantages:

1. Increased customer satisfaction: A transparent and efficient ordering process and personalized services increase customer satisfaction. 

2. Time and cost savings: Automated processes and real-time updates reduce effort and waiting times for customers.

3. Improved transparency: Customers can view the status of their orders at any time and make changes, which facilitates control and planning.

4. Personalized offers: By analyzing customer data, tailored offers and recommendations can be provided that meet the individual needs and preferences of customers.

5. Efficient customer service: Direct communication channels and fast response times improve customer service and problem resolution.

With the help of GREIF-VELOX's customer-oriented digital solutions, customers in the chemical industry can order individual packaging solutions and monitor their progress in real time. In the food sector, they can specify specific requirements for packaging design and materials and receive corresponding offers.